Association Strategy XXI Century designs a roadmap with the goal of advancing Costa Rica (C.R.) towards the level of a developed country by 2050. We facilitate a variety of education, science, technology and innovation (ST&I) projects that foster the production of groundbreaking knowledge. In order to dynamically assess and adapt to the specific needs of the country, we monitor and analyze indexes on the status of these areas, stimulate engagement between key players and champion concrete actions that generate change.
If you would like to donate by wire transfer or donate stock, please email to receive the indicated account information. We will also confirm which project you would like to support with your donation and how you would like to receive your receipt.
Amigos of Costa Rica charges a 3% fee on donations. If you would like to cover the fees associated with your donation, please include an additional 3%.
Please make payable to Amigos of Costa Rica and mail to:
Amigos of Costa Rica
P. O. Box 748
West Chester, PA 19381
Amigos of Costa Rica charges a 3% fee on donations. If you would like to cover the fees associated with your donation, please include an additional 3%.
Don't forget to tell us what you'd like your donation to support! Please indicate the organization & project name on the memo line, or include with your check. Checks received without a designation will be used to support Amigos of Costa Rica operating costs. Receipts will be mailed to the address on the check unless you request a digital receipt.
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To let us know you're mailing a check, please fill in this form to help your payment reach the intended organization & project.
Amigos of Costa Rica accepts payments via Zelle to the email address:
Let us know about your Zelle payment!
Please fill in our form to help your payment reach the intended organization & project. So that we may provide you with a receipt, please include your email and mailing address below.
Amigos of Costa Rica accepts donations via Crypto, read more. Please be sure to add the organization name to the donation notes section.
Association Strategy XXI Century designs a roadmap with the goal of advancing Costa Rica (C.R.) towards the level of a developed country by 2050. We facilitate a variety of education, science, technology and innovation (ST&I) projects that foster the production of groundbreaking knowledge. In order to dynamically assess and adapt to the specific needs of the country, we monitor and analyze indexes on the status of these areas, stimulate engagement between key players and champion concrete actions that generate change.